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  • Tags: public health

The pressure of climate change, environmental degradation, and urbanisation, as well as the widening of socio- economic disparities have rendered the global population increasingly vulnerable to the impact of natural disasters. With a primary focus…

Rabies is an acute, progressive, incurable viral encephalitis and one of the oldest described infectious diseases. All mammals are susceptible to infection, but rabid dogs are responsible for the greatest global burden. Bats and carnivores are the…

"Cyanobacterial toxins are among the hazardous substances most widely found in water. They occur naturally, but concentrations hazardous to human health are usually due to human activity. Therefore, to protect human health, managing lakes, reservoirs…

Transitioning is a key concept for innovative management in several domains, particularly the challenges emerging from climate change. Transitioning to Clean Water and Sanitation will, thus, contribute to an understanding of how transitions are…

The global market of foods with health claims remains highly dynamic and is predicted to expand even further. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the importance of consuming healthy foods in order to have a well-balanced diet and this has…

National dietary guidelines provide a set of principles to guide decisions about healthy diet and lifestyle. They should be informed by scientific evidence and country-specific public health and nutrition priorities, as well as sociocultural and…

Good quality management of the health system demands a critical mass of health professionals with sound technical knowledge. The education that produces a workforce of appropriate size and skills is often a challenge in the delivery of quality health…

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Inequity starts before birth and is programmed in part by nutritional exposures. If these exposures occur around the time of conception, during pregnancy, and/or in infancy or childhood (all critical periods of development) they may alter a child’s…

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The value chain (VC) system is a key way to address important sanitation technological and institutional gaps in production and service delivery and could constitute a natural platform for development actions and also serve as a market systems…

How can we all work together to eliminate the avoidable injustices that plague our health care system and society?Health is determined by far more than a person's choices and behaviors. Social and political conditions, economic forces, physical…
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