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  • Collection: 020 Library & Information Sciences

Saat kita mulai mendefinisikan ulang dunia kita secara mendasar, berdasarkan sudut pandang Revolusi Industri Keempat (4IR), seluruh industri bersiap menghadapi peristiwa disruptif ini. Praktik perpustakaan pun tak terkecuali. Dengan hadirnya…

As we begin to fundamentally redefine our world, informed through the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) lens, entire industries are gearing up for this disruptive event. Library practices have been no exception. With the advent of advanced digital…

access management; online resources; library technology; access protocols; identity management; authentication; authorisation; troubleshooting; SAML

The volume of scientific literature is increasing and researchers have difficulties in estimating their quality and relevance. Library portals, therefore, are getting more relevant by using quality indicators to help researchers during their research…

Tidak ada perpustakaan yang dapat membeli atau menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan pengunjungnya. Pada titik tertentu, pustakawan perlu menyatukan sumber daya mereka dan berkolaborasi untuk menyediakan akses ke apa yang tidak mereka miliki: Kolaborasi…

Branding Books.jpg
As marketing specialists know all too well, our experience of products is prefigured by brands: trademarks that identify a product and differentiate it from its competitors. This process of branding has hitherto gained little academic discussion in…

Swedish teachers’ digital competence refers to aspects of teaching as well as teachers’ work in a broader context. In this chapter, 19 Swedish teachers’ digital competence is analyzed as infrastructures for teaching and working, thereby setting…

How are digital humanists drawing on libraries and archives to advance research in the field of religious studies and theology? How can librarians and archivists make their collections accessible in return? This volume showcases the perspectives of…

How are digital humanists drawing on libraries and archives to advance research in the field of religious studies and theology? How can librarians and archivists make their collections accessible in return? This volume showcases the perspectives of…

How are digital humanists drawing on libraries and archives to advance research in the field of religious studies and theology? How can librarians and archivists make their collections accessible in return? This volume showcases the perspectives of…
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