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  • Collection: 570 Biology

This open access book in the field of plant pest detection shows a constant demand in development and improvement of fast and reliable detection tools, especially for high-priority pests. This open access book describes and summarizes the whole…

Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review remains one of the most cited sources in marine science. The increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate…

This Open Access book covers the concept of umami, the unique taste imparted by the amino acid glutamate, was first described in 1908 by Dr. Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo University. Over the past century, hundreds of studies have explored the mechanistic…

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The origin story and emergence of molecular biology is muddled. The early triumphs in bacterial genetics and the complexity of animal and plant genomes complicate an intricate history. This book documents the many advances, as well as the prejudices…

This open access book explores a wide-ranging discussion about the sociopolitical, cultural, and scientific ramifications of speciesism and world views that derive from it. In this light, it integrates subjects across the natural sciences, social…

Migrant Ecologies: Environmental Histories of the Pacific World is the first volume explicitly dedicated to the environmental history of Earth’s largest ocean. Covering nearly one-third of the planet, the Pacific Ocean is remarkable for its diverse…

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Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and riboflavin play a key role as coenzymes in one-carbon metabolism which, in turn, is essential for a broad range of fundamental physiological processes, including RNA and DNA synthesis, cell division, tissue growth…

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This lab manual is designed for the upper division and graduate sports nutrition courses, covering, supporting, and reinforcing fundamental nutritional concepts. This manual provides hands-on experience that will help strengthen student’s knowledge…

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Numerous studies indicate an accelerated growth of forest trees, induced by ongoing climate change. Similar trends were recently found for urban trees in major cities worldwide. Studies frequently report about substantial effects of climate change…
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