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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

Technological advancements in drug discovery for health and nutrition are improving human health but may lead to drug resistance, which might forebode challenges for health and the environment. Hence, it is necessary to explore and use some natural…

National dietary guidelines provide a set of principles to guide decisions about healthy diet and lifestyle. They should be informed by scientific evidence and country-specific public health and nutrition priorities, as well as sociocultural and…

It is well known that the quality of human nutrition is fundamental to human health and affects the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The global food system has been dramatically changing in recent years, which results in negative…

Generalism is a key approach to healthcare organisation and delivery that enables person-centred, dynamic and cost-effective patient care. With its emphasis on adaptability, generalism requires expansive, nurturing and personalised approaches to…

qua vadis.jpg
Buku ini membahas kondisi kesehatan profesional kesehatan Polandia saat ini dan masa mendatang. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap sekitar 800 anggota staf medis (yang masih dalam pelatihan dan profesional). Penulis menganalisis perilaku nutrisi,…

Ketimpangan Kesehatan - Eksplorasi Komprehensif adalah karya yang mendalam dan signifikan yang menyelidiki ranah kompleks kesenjangan kesehatan dan dampaknya yang beragam pada masyarakat. Buku ini dengan terampil menjembatani kesenjangan antara…

Buku akses terbuka ini menawarkan informasi penting tentang praktik berbasis nilai (VBP): keterampilan klinis yang terlibat, kerja tim dan perawatan yang berpusat pada orang, hubungan antara nilai dan bukti, dan pentingnya kemitraan dalam pengambilan…

Buku “Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan yang Berfokus pada Komunitas dan Keluarga” awalnya diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Internasional Penelitian Lingkungan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat yang terkenal. Edisi Khusus ini mencakup aspek-aspek…

Health Inequality - A Comprehensive Exploration is an insightful and significant work delving into the complex realm of health disparities and their multifaceted impact on society. This book skillfully bridges the gap between theoretical…

Authored by contributors from diverse backgrounds, this book compiles new evidence, methodologies, and perspectives to redefine the environmental health literacy paradigm, aiming to enhance the well-being of current and future generations. Explore…
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