Squamous cell cancer (SCC) development and recent preclinical and clinical advances for the effective prevention and treatment of the disease are covered in this book. Experts in the field describe here the cellular and molecular events in SCC…
This is an open access proceeding book of 9th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress at Milan 2018. Since many experts from Europe and Japan had very important and fruitful discussion on the management of Cerebrovascular diseases, the proceeding…
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the etiological agent of human tuberculosis (TB), represents a global challenge to human health since it is the main cause of death by an infectious disease worldwide. Estimations by the World Health Organization (WHO)…
This book offers significant coverage on different aspects of cancer from risk factors to the mechanisms leading to tumor progression and metastasis. Although tremendous progress has been made in cancer research and treatment, cancer metastasis…
This volume is about an ongoing long-term research initiative led by researchers from the School of Dentistry at the University of Adelaide. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins and…
The increase in the volume of industrially processed products in the global food supply has coincided with an increasing prevalence of obesity and non-communicable diseases in many countries, suggesting that ultra-processed food consumption may be…
Undergraduate programs in public health are growing rapidly. At colleges and universities throughout the United States, both the number of programs and the number of students have expanded greatly in the past decade. In response to this trend, the…
The impetus behind this Special Issue emerged from a quest to move beyondbinary thinking in the contemporary period about people who sell sexual services,including recent disputes about “sex trafficking vs. prostitution” and“criminalization vs.…
"What do undocumented migrants experience when they try to access healthcare? How do they navigate the (often contradictory) challenges presented by bureaucratic systems, financial pressures, attitudes to migrants, and their own healthcare needs?…
This textbook is primarily intended for students of dental medicine, it can also be useful for the students of general medicine whom it can help in clinical and field practice. The term “diseases of the oral mucosa” describes a diverse group of…