Antropologi forensik, meskipun masih relatif baru dibandingkan dengan disiplin ilmu forensik lainnya, mengadopsi beragam metode dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk identifikasi kerangka manusia dalam konteks medis-hukum dan kemanusiaan. Kerangka…
Toksikologi medis adalah cabang ilmu toksikologi yang berkaitan dengan diagnosis, manajemen, dan pencegahan keracunan dan efek samping lain dari obat-obatan, kosmetik, produk perawatan pribadi, racun lingkungan dan pekerjaan, dan agen biologis.…
Kemajuan dalam modalitas pencitraan medis telah mengakibatkan peningkatan kepentingan dan permintaan radiologi pediatrik. Cetak ulang ini menampilkan berbagai contoh penelitian lanjutan dalam radiologi pediatrik dan kedokteran nuklir. Ini termasuk…
This Special Issue encompasses thrilling state-of-the-art techniques, materials and technologies in dentistry. It compiles a series of original articles that include review articles, in vitro studies and clinical studies, presenting the latest…
The COVID-19 pandemic is considered to be a global public health emergency. Due to its route of transmission via contact with droplets and aerosols, dentists are at high risk of acquiring an infection while treating patients. The impact of the…
This Special Issue presents a comprehensive exploration of recent developments and technological advancements in the field of dental materials. Compiled with the intent to foster a deeper understanding of the material science behind restorative…
This reprint provides a comprehensive overview and critically explores the recent trends in the zirconia additive manufacturing process or 3D printing and various surface treatments and their characterization for application in the dental and…
Almost all fields of dentistry are closely related to newly developed materials, and all clinical improvements often follow or go hand in hand with the creation and development of innovative and higher-performing materials, instruments, and…
Implantable materials are becoming increasingly important as an alternative for repairing, assisting, or replacing defective parts of the body, such as dental, orthopedic, and cardiac implants. This reprint focuses on research regarding modern…
The continuous evolution of preventive and therapeutic strategies aims to enhance oral health outcomes. Novel approaches are being developed to prevent and treat prevalent oral diseases like dental caries, periodontitis, and oral cancer. Researchers…