This book was funded by a Research Leadership grant from the Leverhulme Trust to investigate local health inequalities in an age of austerity (awarded to Clare Bambra, reference RL-2012–006). We would also like to thank our project steering group…
This handbook synthesizes and analyzes the growing knowledge base on life course health development (LCHD) from the prenatal period through emerging adulthood, with implications for clinical practice and public health. It presents LCHD as an…
Canadian Pharmaceutical Scientists have a rich history of groundbreaking research in pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism undertaken primarily throughout its Pharmacy Faculties and within the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industry. The principles…
Sepsis is a very complex clinical condition that can be considered the central point of the infectious process: the arrival point in the evolution of a localized septic outbreak that has caused a systemic inflammatory reaction. In the clinical…
This book investigates old age and ageing in premodern times, with a special focus on the Middle Ages. Perspectives from gerontology and the humanities, and above all from history, are combined to provide novel insights. The gerontological articles…
The history of early modern medicine often makes for depressing reading. It implies that people fell ill, took ineffective remedies, and died. This book seeks to rebalance and brighten our overall picture of early modern health by focusing on the…
Advancements in medical imaging modalities have resulted in increasing the importance and demand of pediatric radiology. This reprint showcases various examples of advanced research in pediatric radiology and nuclear medicine. These include the use…
Kemajuan dalam modalitas pencitraan medis telah mengakibatkan peningkatan kepentingan dan permintaan radiologi pediatrik. Cetak ulang ini menampilkan berbagai contoh penelitian lanjutan dalam radiologi pediatrik dan kedokteran nuklir. Ini termasuk…
Because of many misconceptions, the biological drug manufacturing industry does not fully utilize disposable components, despite their wide availability. These misconceptions include concerns for the quality of materials, running costs, scalability,…
For this Special Issue, research leaders in sports nutrition were approached and invited to submit current reviews in their areas of expertise. The topics are novel and wide-ranging, and include updates and insights on protein, dietary patterns, and…