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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

The role of nanotechnologies in personalized medicine is rising remarkably in the last decade because of the ability of these new sensing systems to diagnose diseases from early stages and the availability of continuous screenings to characterize the…

Physical activity and nutrition are two of the most important modifiable lifestyle factors affecting health status, both in healthy people and in special populations with metabolic disorders and non-communicable diseases (e.g., obesity and type 2…

Physical activity, nutritional status, and fitness are important predictors of public health and the well-being of society as a whole. They influence the preparedness to perform official duties and tasks in some professional specialties. They are…

ROS were long considered one of the key players in tissue injury. Indeed, overproduction of ROS results in oxidative stress, a process leading to the development of many pathological conditions. For the treatment of these conditions, the use of…

This reprint focuses on the importance of the micronutrient iron in human physiological iron homeostasis and iron-related diseases. Daily adequate dietary iron supply ensures vital body functions and hemoglobin synthesis during erythropoiesis. During…


Since prehistoric times, medicinal plants have been used in traditional medical practices
for curing diseases and benefiting human health. A huge array of phytochemicals have been
identified in medicinal plants, including carotenoids, phenolic…

Special Issue “Placenta-Related Pregnancy Disorders” edited by Dr Hiten D. Mistry, Department of Women and Child Health, School of Life Sciences and Population Health Sciences, King's College London, London, UK and Dr Eun D. Lee, Department of…

This open access book explores the question of who or what ‘the public’ is within ‘public health’ in post-war Britain. Drawing on historical research on the place of the public in public health in Britain from the establishment of the National Health…

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Our species has always used plants as medicines, during our 200,000 year existence. This is made obvious by the plant medicines found in mummy burials, around the world, dating back thousands of years. Human beings evolved using plant medicines to…

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The paper by Shahmohammadi Beni and co-workers [21] adds to the application for which the first
plasma medicine tool was originally designed [17], that is the use of a CAP to perform dental treatments in the oral cavity [22,23]. The authors have…
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