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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

Biological and Pharmacological Activity of Plant Natural Compounds.jpg
Plantnaturalpr oductsar eavaluablesour ceofcompoundswithahealthypotentiale ff ecton
livingor ganisms,includinganimalsandhumans.Thesenaturalcompoundsar ecommonlycalled
phytochemicals,specificallyindicatingtheiroriginfr omtheplantkingdom.Itisfr…

The first national conference with international participation, “Fundamental aspects of atherosclerosis: scientific research for improving the technologies of personalized medicine”, was held in Novosibirsk on 15 October, 2021. The purpose of this…

Collagen is the main fibrous structural protein in the extracellular matrix and connective tissue of animals. It is a primary building block of bones, tendons, skin, hair, cartilage, and all joints in the body. It is also considered a "glue" that…

One of the greatest challenges facing agricultural scientists is developing efficient
technologies for sustainable and eco-friendly management of crop losses caused by
plant pathogens. The effectiveness of microbial biocontrol agents (BCAs) in…

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This book is a collection of in-depth chapters on many aspects of contemporary cancer treatment. Written by experts worldwide, each chapter provides a detailed summary of the state-of-the art knowledge in the area, with extensive references and clear…

South Texas, defi ned as the 38-county area encompassing the Texas–Mexico border
counties from Cameron County to Val Verde County, as well as Bexar County
(includes San Antonio), Webb County (includes Laredo), and the Lower Rio Grande

Universities and corporate partnerships play a crucial role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), presenting significant market opportunities across various research domains. On the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at…

Nuts and Nut Products in Human Health.jpg
Nuts, including peanuts, have always been an important part of the human diet. They are nutrient-dense food products containing health-friendly lipids, beneficial phytonutrients, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Basic, clinical, and…

Many factors influence obesity including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Studies have shown obesity to be related to increased risk of human diseases. Despite efforts by health professionals to regulate obesity, its prevalence has…

The Multifaceted Nature of Food and Nutrition Insecurity around the World and Foodservice Business.jpg
The international concept of food security is a situation where all people have physical, social, and economic access at all times to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy…
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