This book examines how the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered a new and challenging environment in which borders drawn around people, places, and social structures have hardened and new ones have emerged. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Elderly frailty represents the poor resolution of homeostasis following stress and an increased risk of adverse outcomes, including falls, delirium and disability. This reprint is focused on the diagnosis and treatment of fractures and orthopedic…
This book on "Worker and Public Health and Safety: Current Views" brings together current scholarly work and opinions in the form of original papers and reviews related to this field of study. It provides important and recent scientific reading as…
Occupational Wellbeing examines the risks for various diseases in a range of workplace environments. Section 1 analyses the occupational health and safety parameters in various occupational sectors, while Section 2 focuses on physiological and…
This book provides workers and individuals with knowledge on the effective ways to understand the importance of human health and safety in workplaces. Workplace incident scenarios and research findings on human health and safety that could be an…
This book compiles the cutting-edge research published in the Special Issue “Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology” (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health). The articles included in this book use strong and…
This e-book provides the insight into occupational health and safety problems, challenges and solutions of the dairy sector. Thirty-two authors have been sharing their results and knowledge reflecting the challenges from small scale farming up to…
The impetus behind this Special Issue emerged from a quest to move beyondbinary thinking in the contemporary period about people who sell sexual services,including recent disputes about “sex trafficking vs. prostitution” and“criminalization vs.…
This volume contributes to an emerging field that could be referred to as "plural spiritual care and chaplaincy". It's innovative approach brings together contributions from a broad range of contexts and religious traditions and includes empirical…
This heavily revised open access edition provides a thorough overview of the technologies available to assemble, manage and assess the quality of health information systems. It details a variety of scenarios in the context of both health and heath…