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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

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The use of social media in public health education/promotion has been increasing due, in part, to its ability to remove physical access and geographical barriers for users. Specifically, social media provides an outlet to increase and promote…

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Interstitial lung diseases are rare and diffuse, and their diagnosis is a challenge because it requires a multidisciplinary approach. Future trends in the treatment of these diseases requires knowledge of the molecular changes in various types of…

Ageing is a diverse and multifaceted experience that is unique to each person. The process of ageing is lived differently according to each individual’s socio-cultural, historical, religious, and political context, among other factors. However, the…

Why is there a need to ‘innovate healthcare’? The basic reason stems from the sheer scale of the challenges now facing healthcare provision in the UK and across many other countries. The aim of this book is to interrogate past and current attempts to…

This open access book offers essential information on values-based practice (VBP): the clinical skills involved, teamwork and person-centered care, links between values and evidence, and the importance of partnerships in shared decision-making.…

Buku akses terbuka ini menawarkan informasi penting tentang praktik berbasis nilai (VBP): keterampilan klinis yang terlibat, kerja tim dan perawatan yang berpusat pada orang, hubungan antara nilai dan bukti, dan pentingnya kemitraan dalam pengambilan…

This open access book offers essential information on values-based practice (VBP): the clinical skills involved, teamwork and person-centered care, links between values and evidence, and the importance of partnerships in shared decision-making.…

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With increasing age, blood pressure rises as a consequence of arterial stiffness and it has been debated whether or not to it is beneficial to treat hypertension in old age especially in >75-year-olds when they have multimorbidity, polypharmacy or…

This timely collection of expert papers draws attention to the global burden of meningitis and the challenges faced by the WHO’s roadmap to defeat meningitis by 2030. The three main goals of the meningitis roadmap are to eliminate epidemics of…

We explore the cutting-edge realm of 'Recent Trends in Functional Nanomaterials for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications' through this insightful reprint. Morever, we delve into the new advancements in nanotechnology where functional nanomaterials…
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