Outstanding Topics in Ocean Optics

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Outstanding Topics in Ocean Optics


forward modeling; suspended matter; marine particles; fractal structure; organic carbon; chlorophyll-a; oceanic light field; irradiance quartet; apparent optical properties; inelastic processes; Gershun equation; ocean euphotic zone; phytoplankton pigments; ocean color; remote sensing; MERIS; global oceans; light scattering; light scattering by pure water; light scattering by pure seawater; anomalous properties of water; remote-sensing reflectance; bathymetry; hyperspectral; bottom mapping; radiative transfer; apparent optical properties; 3D Monte Carlo numerical simulations; downward irradiance; upward radiance; sea ice heterogeneity; vertical attenuation coefficient; melt ponds; remote sensing; coral reef; sensor noise; retrieval uncertainty; particle dynamics; optical properties; suspended sediment; phytoplankton; PFT; ocean colour; satellite radiometry; radiative transfer; optical modelling; vector radiative transfer; polarization; coupled systems; atmosphere; ocean; forward modeling; inverse problems; marine optics; inherent optical properties; volume scattering function; degree of linear polarization; marine particles; light scattering measurements; LISST-VSF instrument; ocean optics; ocean color; remote sensing; radiative transfer approximation; volume scattering function; NASA PACE mission; polarization; ocean optics; upwelling radiance distribution; remote sensing; remote sensing; hyperspectral; shallow water; coral; derivative; radiative transfer; canopy; ocean color database; oceanic carbon; chromophoric dissolved organic matter; dissolved organic carbon; CDOM spectral slope; ocean color remote sensing; algorithm development; ocean color algorithm validation; ocean optics; CDOM climatology; CDOM and ENSO; machine learning; ocean optics; backscattering ratio; phytoplankton; coated-sphere model; bulk refractive index; seawater component; natural organic matter; DOM; FDOM; CDOM; Gelbstoff; EEMS; PARAFAC; marine sensors; Kallemeter; FerryBox; Trondheimsfjord; Norway; ocean optics; light scattering; Mueller matrix; volume and surface integral methods


Ocean optics is a branch of oceanography which is firmly embedded in studies of a great variety of ocean science and engineering questions. The interactive nature between radiative transfer of light and various dissolved and particulate constituents of seawater is at the core of ocean optics science and applications. The transfer of radiant solar energy has vital implications to life and climate on Earth, and the large variety of subjects of ocean optics ranges from the subtle problems of physical optics to optical remote sensing towards a better understanding of ocean biology, biogeochemistry and ecosystems and their roles in the Earth's system processes. The intention of this book is to present a collection of papers that generally share a common denominator of frontier topics in ocean optics which are unique, uncommon or outstanding in the literature, and to provide a balanced view of the extraordinary breadth of research in this field. Topics as diverse as measurements and modeling of radiative transfer, light fields, light scattering and polarization, ocean color, benthic optical properties, and the use of optics for characterizing seawater constituents are addressed in this book. The book is expected to be of interest and useful to a broad audience of professional ocean scientists, engineers and advanced students with an interest in ocean optics and applications of optical methods in oceanography.


Maria do Rosário Domingues (editor)
Philippe Soudant (editor)




MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute




Jadik Wijayanto


© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND licence










ISBN : 978-3-03897-704-9 (Paperback)
ISBN : 978-3-03897-705-6 (PDF)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-03897-705-6


Basel, Switzerland, 2022

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