Dublin Core
The Youth Guide to the Ocean
Marine sciences
The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) would like to thank all the authors, contributor graphics designers and other individuals and institutions who have supported the development of this
Guide. All have found the extra time in their busy schedules to write, edit, prepare or review the publication, and many others have kindly allowed the use of their photos or other resources. We are deeply grateful
to Chris Gibb, Neil Pratt and Chantal Robichaud at CBD; Isabelle Brugnon, Rejane Herve-Smadja, Kirsten Isensee, Francesca Santoro, Claire Poyser and Wendy Watson-Wright at IOC-UNESCO; and Harriet Thew at WAGGGS for their excellent substantive inputs to the document. We would also like to thank the young ocean activists, Sena Blankson, Luisa Sette Camara, Miriam Justo, Emilie Novaczek, Liam O’Doherty and
Marlon Williams for sharing their inspiring stories with us. Special thanks are also due to our wonderfully creative and ever-patient graphic artists, Pietro Bartoleschi (original design), Elisabetta Cremona, Arianna
Guida and Fabrizio Puzzilli (design and layout), as well as Simone D’Ercole (photo editing). All of the contributors care deeply about the fate of the ocean and support ocean conservation initiatives. Many
thanks also go to the YUNGA ambassadors for their passion and energy in promoting this Guide
Guide. All have found the extra time in their busy schedules to write, edit, prepare or review the publication, and many others have kindly allowed the use of their photos or other resources. We are deeply grateful
to Chris Gibb, Neil Pratt and Chantal Robichaud at CBD; Isabelle Brugnon, Rejane Herve-Smadja, Kirsten Isensee, Francesca Santoro, Claire Poyser and Wendy Watson-Wright at IOC-UNESCO; and Harriet Thew at WAGGGS for their excellent substantive inputs to the document. We would also like to thank the young ocean activists, Sena Blankson, Luisa Sette Camara, Miriam Justo, Emilie Novaczek, Liam O’Doherty and
Marlon Williams for sharing their inspiring stories with us. Special thanks are also due to our wonderfully creative and ever-patient graphic artists, Pietro Bartoleschi (original design), Elisabetta Cremona, Arianna
Guida and Fabrizio Puzzilli (design and layout), as well as Simone D’Ercole (photo editing). All of the contributors care deeply about the fate of the ocean and support ocean conservation initiatives. Many
thanks also go to the YUNGA ambassadors for their passion and energy in promoting this Guide
Jose Aguilar-Manjarrez et all
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Agung Budi Kristiawan
ISBN 9789251086476