This open access book provides an historical account of the ways in which community nursing services in England have been shaped by policy changes, from the inception of the NHS in 1948 to the present day. Focusing on policies regarding the…
Buku akses terbuka ini memberikan catatan sejarah tentang bagaimana layanan keperawatan komunitas di Inggris dibentuk oleh perubahan kebijakan, dari awal berdirinya NHS pada tahun 1948 hingga saat ini. Dengan fokus pada kebijakan mengenai organisasi…
This publication presents evidence about the magnitude and severe consequences of comorbidity of mental and physical illnesses from a personal and societal perspective. Leading experts address the huge burden of co-morbidity to the affected…
In this book, the editor has reviewed the scientific articles from a diverse group of scientists from around the world who actively participate in comparative endocrinology. Some of the important categories represented here are human health,…
This comprehensive scholarly book on comparative federalism and the Covid-19 pandemic is written by some of the world’s leading federal scholars and national experts. The Covid-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented emergency for countries worldwide,…
Comparative pathology, translational research, and clinical trials involving domestic animals have the ultimate goal of advancing our medical knowledge of both human and veterinary species. Companion, laboratory (from mouse to non-human primates),…
Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel presents a framework of comparative literature based on a systemic and empirical approach to the study of the novel and applies that framework to the analysis of key nineteenth-century…
This book presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of the substantive and procedural aspects of compensation for wrongful convictions in European countries and the USA, as well as the standard derived from the case law of the European Court of…
The educational system leading up to the pharmacy degree, student training, and the continuing personal development of pharmacists are being more and more mapped to the competences pharmacists require to provide the relevant safe and efficient…