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  • Tags: Sea

4. Integrated_Ecosystem_Assessments_for_Fisheries_Management_in_the_Yellow_Sea_the_East_China_Sea_and_the_EastJapan_Sea.jpg
Marine environmental conditions are highly distinct in the Yellow Sea, the East China
Sea, and the East/Japan Sea, with characteristics such as the shallow and turbid conditions
of the Yellow Sea, relatively warm subtropical conditions of the East…

3. Processing_and_Preservation_of_Aquatic_Products.jpg
Aquatic products represent an important food source; they include products such
as fish, shrimp, shellfish, crab, and seaweed, and provide high-quality proteins, fatty
acids, minerals, and other nutritional elements. Generally, raw aquatic…

11. Ocean Noise.jpg
Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is widely used as an initial step towards an assessment
of environmental status. In the present study, underwater ambient sound recordings from two
monitoring locations in marine-protected areas (MPAs) of the Gulf…

9. Sustainable Wastewater Management and Treatment.jpg
Direct application of anaerobic digestion to sewage treatment is normally only possible
under tropical weather conditions. This is the result of its diluted nature and temperatures far from
those suitable for anaerobic conversion of organic matter.…

1. Coastal Fish Research.jpg
Invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the greatest causes of native species extinction.
Indeed, they represent a global threat for biodiversity and can also affect the economy and human
health. The colonization success of IAS is presumably not…

Offshore Renewable Energy Ocean Waves, Tides and Offshore Wind.jpg
This book covers technical articles based on individual contributions from a number of authors working on offshore wind, wave and tidal energy research. Articles describing various aspects of offshore wind, wave and tidal energies including resource…

The Tools of Owatatsumi Japans Ocean Surveillance and Coastal Defence Capabilities.jpg
Japan is quintessentially by geography a maritime country. Maritime surveillance capabilities – underwater, shore-based and airborne – are critical to its national defence posture. This book describes and assesses these capabilities, with particular…

Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour.jpg
Ocean color measured by satellite-mounted optical sensors is an essential climate variable that is routinely used as a central element for assessing the health and productivity of marine ecosystems and the role of oceans in the global carbon cycle.…

Wet and Dry Periods in Regions Surrounding the Atlantic Ocean Basin.jpg
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world's oceanic divisions. It is bounded by the continents of America, Europe and Africa and at its polewards margins by the Arctic and the Southern Oceans. Different climatic patterns can be observed…

Effects of Climate Change Across Ocean Regions.jpg
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) highlighted that conditions within Earth’s ocean are changing more rapidly than any of the time during the past 65 million years, and as a consequence, major changes are occurring in natural and human systems.…
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