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  • Tags: Aquatic

46. Removal_of_Pharmaceuticals_from_Water_Conventional_and_Alternative_Treatments.jpg
Pharmaceuticals represent an especially worrying class of micropollutants because they are biologically active. Thus, their occurrence in aquatic environments may cause undesirable effects in living organisms and, if present in water sources for…

43. Assessing_the_Effects_of_Multiple_Stressors_on_Aquatic_Systems_across_Temporal_and_Spatial_Scales_From_Measurement_to_Management.jpg
This book is focused on the interplay of multiple stressors in aquatic systems and its consequences for management across spatial and temporal scales. It is organized into six case studies from four continents (Europe, Oceania, Africa, and North…

23. Effects_of_Species_Introduction_on_Aquatic_Communities.jpg
Freshwater ecosystems are deeply affected by human pressure, such as species introduction, which remains a major concern for these ecosystems. The arrival of new species can have different ecological effects, and sometimes leads to biological…

21. Advances_in_Aquatic_Invertebrate_Stem_Cell_Research.jpg
This publication is based upon work from COST Action ’16203 MARISTEM Stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications’, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


3. Processing_and_Preservation_of_Aquatic_Products.jpg
Aquatic products represent an important food source; they include products such
as fish, shrimp, shellfish, crab, and seaweed, and provide high-quality proteins, fatty
acids, minerals, and other nutritional elements. Generally, raw aquatic…

15. .jpg
Bacterial motility is a widespread characteristic that can provide several advantages for the
cell, allowing it to move towards more favorable conditions and enabling host-associated processes
such as colonization. There are different bacterial…

3. Biology and Control of Invasive Fishes.jpg
Across the globe, dozens of species of invasive fish are now found in fresh as well as
marine waters, where they alter habitats, compete with native fish for food, and prey on native fishes,
exerting both indirect and direct effects on ecosystems…
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