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  • Collection: 610 Medicine and health

This reprint focuses on the transcatheter treatment of the main structural heart diseases covering the latest innovations and hot topics on this subject. All the technological developments witnessed in recent decades have made structural heart…

The Special Issue entitled “Pediatric and adolescent nephrology facing the future: diagnostic advances and prognostic biomarkers in everyday practice” contains articles written in the era when COVID-19 had not yet been a major clinical problem in…

In recent decades, life expectancy has been increasing. This is a historical milestone in the history of humanity. We have never lived so long before. In these circumstances, giving the best care to older adults efficiently is one of the greatest…

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In 2011, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in collaboration with leaders from the pharmaceutical industry and the academic community, published a white paper describing the emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP), and…

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Carotenoids represent a large group of isoprenoid structures with many different structural
characteristics and biological activities. They are the most important pigments of those occurring
in nature and are responsible for the various colors of…

The dual role of complement in both cancer development and treatment has been investigated extensively and is characterized by a substantial literature that documents the conditions in which complement can either enhance tumor growth or promote the…

This open access edited collection contributes a new dimension to the study of mental health and psychiatry in the twentieth century. It takes the present literature beyond the ‘asylum and after’ paradigm to explore the multitude of spaces that have…

People who have chronic diseases spend a significant amount of time in self-management in out-of-hospital environments, in their homes and in their community settings. These patients have different disease statuses and management requirements, so…

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This book has been contrived to gather recent data on a common health problem. As breast cancer imposes a heavy burden for society due to its psychological, social and economic consequences, every step to broaden our understanding is a worthy task.…

Principles and Practice of Case-based Clinical Reasoning Education.jpg
assessment of clinical reasoning; diagnostic bias; diagnostic errors; dual process theory; scripts; medical problem-solving; peer teaching; problem-based learning; semantic qualifiers
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