"Exploring the Earth under the Sea brings to life the world’s largest and longest-lived geological research program, which has been drilling over many decades at many locations deep below the ocean floor to recover continuous cores of sediment and…
This thesis aims to quantify the direct radiative effects of sea salt aerosol in the atmosphere. The online coupled regional scale model system COSMO-ART is extended for this objective with respect to the sea salt aerosol. Furthermore, a new sea salt…
Beaches are places that give and take, bringing unexpected surprises to society, and pulling essentials away from it. Through monsters, we confront our tiny time between catastrophes and develop a recognition of Otherness by which an ethical…
In June 2015 we held a workshop on the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain with a focus on sea level variability and change. Over 120 sea level experts from around the world attended this workshop, from a range of different disciplines. The main aims…
This paper examines the first 50 transitional years of a sea of isolation to a sea of internationalization. It provides analytical tools to reveal the mechanisms of how this was done. To do so it places in the centre of the analysis the sea. By using…
The practical importance of economic valuation information can hardly be overstated. Coastal and marine resource policy planning and management benefit from complete information on the impact of policy decisions.
At its 45th meeting in 2008, the Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee (TSSAC) set down for discussion the need for guiding protocols that researchers adopt when working in the Torres Strait (45.6.1). The Committee considered the current…